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Meeting my future wife

This beautiful young woman came into the veterinary clinic where I was practicing. She had brought in her 13-year-old Yorkshire Terrier named Clyde, who was sick. When I told her Clyde had kidney failure and should be put to sleep, she got angry and sobbed. But I finally convinced her that she didn't want Clyde to suffer. I let her hold Clyde until it passed away. Then she kissed it goodbye and we had it cremated for her. When I suggested she go out and get a new dog, I thought she was going to hit me. She just stormed out and said to send her my bill.

But a couple of months later, she walked back in with a new Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Bonnie. It surprised me how happy I was to see her. She thanked me for having been so kind to her when Clyde died and apologized for being so mean in return. I asked her out for dinner, and that was it.

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