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I'm an empath... now what?

I'm an empath... now what? I believe it was the week before my vacation, I stumbled upon an article on Facebook about how empaths are socially awkward and why. I read it and agreed with everything in it for myself, my best friend and my brother. I knew we all were very sensitive to others, but an empath? I had no idea what that even was at the time. I've been back from my vacation for about a week and half waiting for my new job to start and I have no energy. I can't find th energy anywhere. I'm getting moody again which my family and I have always hated about myself. It's just a mess. So I decided to look online. I'm curious about this empath thing, maybe it has something to do with it. It does, it had everything to do with it. I can't explain it all, but the weight and burden I feel, to know there is a reason for it. Why others moods affect me so much. Why I cry for even the silliest of movies. Why kids mean so much to me that I feel like I'm going through a break up when I leave a job (nanny/teacher/tutor). I'm an empath, I have a word for it. But now what? Am I cursed with living burdened for the rest of my life? I have enough going on around me, I'll never move forward if I have to take it all on. And now, knowing that I'm an empath, has made me think that these feelings will never go away. I'll always have to fight an environmentally onset depression. How is that fair? I hope the internet has an answer to handle this because I'm...

Are you a real Empath? Choose 2 of the emotions you think marrrrrwa felt...
? 1 Love ? 8 Anger ? 2 Joy ? 19 Sadness ? 11 Surprise ? 20 Fear

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