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Getting divorced at 22

It was almost surreal. We hadn't been living together for almost a year. I was young and dumb and thought we might still be able to make it work because there were certain things we never lost. Like a strong physical attraction but that was it and we both knew it was not enough to make it work. There were a lot of factors involved but due to circumstances I filed the paperwork and when we stood before the judge with no lawyers, because there was nothing to split and we had agreed to everything, the judge only swore me in so he wasn't allowed to talk. I still just told everything we had agreed to. It was clear the judge was trying to give me something. It was right there in the paperwork. He had cheated on me. He had given me HPV. I had been checked every year and it never showed up in the 5 years we had been together previous to getting married. Even after everything was said and done and the judge had allowed the dissolution of marriage, we still went out for a beer.

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