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Gambling is a Problem

I loved to take risks. I was good at it at work, and when my friends first took me to the casino, I realized I was good there too. It wasn't until I got cocky, and took a risk to win back my money, that I finally realized I was in trouble.

Texas hold'em was my game, and as I laid down all $400 of my winnings, I was so sure that I would be able to double it. There wasn't a person at the table currently who could have out bluffed me. That was until one person got up and a new player sat down. He pulled out $800 and laid it lazily in front of him. I wasn't about to give up, but I should've. He was the one who ended up taking the rest of my money that night.

What made it worse, was that it happened to have been my phone bill money that I had gambled with.

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