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Family Pictures

It was Christmas time, in 2001. My mom and dad had been bugging me for years to get a family photo to send to them. I was determined I was going to do it this year, I just wasn't sure how. Ella's mom and Brandon's mom didn't get along, and I wasn't even sure if they should be in the picture. They may have been their mom's, but they really weren't a part of my family. Lucinda was my wife, and Ella and Brandon were my kids.

The day I had made the appointment came around to soon, and I spent the whole day getting the kids the perfect outfits. When we got to the picture studio they both looked perfect, but for some reason I was still nervous that something would go wrong. We spent the whole time trying to get Brandon to pose right, and eventually settled with a cute photo with us all together, while he was picking his nose.

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